Tue 21 Jan
Let this Beautiful Blonde Beauty take YOU on the Ride of YOUR Life with My magical Hands! - 32
(Columbus, Westerville)
~* Lets Enjoy HUMPday Together*~HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNNNN - 24
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
***Magic Lips N Fingertips* (614) 743-9598 Therapeutic n Exotic Full Body Rub. NEW Pics n Area*** - 26
(Columbus, WORTHINGTON 23 & 270)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING relaxation session. AVAILABLE now! - 25
(Columbus, Worthington / Polaris / 23 & 270)
***Magic Lips & Fingertips* REAL Theraputic & Exotic Body Rub* (614) 928 1860*** - 26
(Columbus, North and Out Call)
~*LetS MakE SunDay FunDay W/me*~ HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNNNN - 24
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
❤🏩💦 Lay Back && Leave iT Up 2 Me...RELAX, RENEW && REJUVENATE Yourself Today!!! 💦🏩❤ - 23
(Columbus, Northside)
**magic lips @ NEW PRIVATE RESIDENCE SW; Real Deep Tissue Therapeutic & Erotic Full Body! ** - 28
(Columbus, southwest)
~* LeT Me GiVe YoU a MemoriaL DaY You'll NeVer 4GeT *SEXY BRUNETTE* NeVer FoRgEt - 26
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
NeW SeXy █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ ★ (( SUPER HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNN - 24
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING relaxation session. 80 specials, AVAIL NOW! - 25
**Late Night 1st Time Special!!! Naughty & Eager to Please Your Wildest Fantasy!!! 614-975-1261 - 22
(Columbus, Eastside Columbus**In-calls only**)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING afternoon. AVAILABLE now! - 25
NeW HoT BRUNETTE ——— ❤ ——— █ Obey •*¨¨*• Your •*¨¨*• Thirst █ ——— ❤ ——— SuPeR SeXy - 25
(Columbus, Incall / Outcall / Hilliard Area)
**It's Getting Hot In Here*REAL Full Body Rub * (614) 381-8105*2 Girls Introducing Aubrey, New to BP - 28
(Columbus, Outcall)
Late nite special * come Relax with me* Playful & sexy ** Naughti brunette **Bring your wildside ** - 27
(Columbus, north morse/Karl private home)
Kasue ♥ Anna Hot an Sexy Redhead an a sweet an Sexy brunette. Kissable an Playful an Ready now - 30
(Columbus, north my place)
Magical hands+ Beautiful buxom brunette= 1 AMAZING afternoon. AVAILABLE now! - 25
In or Out... &Best; Of Both Worlds... Erotic DEEP TISSUE Body Rub* LMT! (614) 893-5976 - 28
(Columbus, Upscale Hotel off East 70 & Out)
¤¤It's Bella Baby Are You Ready Too Experience A Total Body Melt Down¤¤°* - 22
(Columbus, Columbus,Oh)
FULL BODY rubdown.. Beautiful, Sensual brunette available today - 32
(Columbus, Worthington or your place)
*Hey GENTLEMEN! CALL! Naughty, Wild, Eager to Please KENDRA! ♥614-975-1261♥ - 22
Late Night Awesome Out Call SPECIAL.Best Of Both Worlds... Erotic DEEP TISSUE* LMT! (614) 893-5976 - 28
(Columbus, West)
~* Let Me MaKe YoUr WeeK Special YoU Deserve It*~HOT BRUNETTE ))★ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬ FuNNNN - 26
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
!!! HEAVENLY SENSATIONS AVAILABLE !!! Call MICHELLE, now is the perfect time - 25
(Columbus, south/ residential)
**I got the MAGICK LIPS* Real Therapeutic & Exotic Full Body Rub (614) 515-0452 - 28
(Columbus, East and Outcall)
~*EnJoY YoUr SaTuRdAy W/mE*~( SUPER HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNNNN - 24
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
Come Play with the Hottest Blonde in Town..Here to satisfy YOUR Every Need..Magical Hands - 32
(Columbus, Westerville)
Dont take a chance anywhere else! ALWAYS LEAVE SATISFIED!! CLEAN, FRIENDLY, 5 STAR $ERVICE - 28
(Columbus, hilliard)
Have NEW pics!! Dont let this gloomy Monday get you down let me get U *SEXY BRUNETTE* NeVer FoRgEt - 26
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
come make your fantasy come true! get CLEAN, FRIENDLY, 5 STAR $ERVICE AND A BODY RUB U WONT FORGET - 28
(Columbus, hilliard)
curvy sexy brunette REAL MEN ONLY!! New PICS outcall only working all night! - 29
(Columbus, columbus outcall only!!!)
fully nude body rubs by hot n sexy brunette OUTCALL ONLY NO PRIVATE CALLS!! - 30
(Columbus, columbus and suburbs OUTCALL ONLY)
Come Relax with me ** IM a sexy brunette ready to fulfill your needs **All Nite specials ** - 26
(Columbus, north incall / also outcall)
~* CoMe GeT YoU SoMe MuCh NeeDed R&R; No Regrets*~HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNNNN - 24
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
Come get Naughty & Enjoy your We with 2 of Columbus's FINEST!! Hot & Sexy Blonde n My Beautiful Girl - 32
(Columbus, Westerville)
~* EnJoY uR wEeKeNd W/mE~( SUPER HOT BRUNETTE ))★ █ ▬▬▬▬▬ •★• ▬▬▬▬▬█ FuNNNN
(Columbus, Columbus, Ohio)
***Best Exotic N REAL Theraputic Body Rubs In Town and great weekday specials IN or OUT*** - 26
(Columbus, North and Out Call)
beautiful brunette working late! Incall Hilliard PR&Outcall;/I travel - 23
(Columbus, Incall Hilliard Private Res.& Outcall)
Brazen Brunette In Captivating Columbus- Late Friday Eve thru Sunday Dec. 6th Weekend - 34
(Columbus, December 6th Weekend-CMH)
★ ▬▬▬▬★ BEAUTiFUL BRUNETTE ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ ONE OF A KiND ★ ▬▬▬▬ ★ SuPeR HotT ▬▬▬▬ ★ - 25
(Columbus, Columbus Incall & Outcall)
💕Best Of Both Worlds. Real LMT w Satisfaction Guaranteed (614) 893-5976: In & Out Sunday Special 💕 - 28
(Columbus, West)