Mon 06 Jan
Massages By Layna - - - - - MADISON'S BEST!!!! - - - - - - - - - - - SEXXXY LATE NIGHT SPECIALS!!!!
☆• __ § U N K Ϊ § § € D __B • L • O • N • D • €__ §W€€T ♥ H €ÂRT__ •☆ - 21
(Boston/Camb/Brook, BEDFORD)
(18)Young Sexy Stallion, Ambitious, Will do anything for encore-type feedback// MUUAH - 18
(east madison)
08/05 New Girl ★ The most relaxation massage ★ 608-628-0645 ★ Free Shower - 25
(Madison, Madison east)
SuPeR H🔥O🔥T 🌴 ExoTiC PLaYMaTE 🌴 AvAiLaBLe NoW‼️☔️BeTTeR ThaN ThE ReSt - 21
(North Shore, revere malden medford peabody everett)
:-* SoO ExoTiC ~n~ TOPnoTch *-:-* EBONY DELIGHT *-:-* 100% REAL PICS - 19
(Boston/Camb/Brook, Dorchester IncaLL SpecIaL)
⚠Slippery When WXX 💦💦👅 LET'S PARTY 🆕 INCALL SPECIALS 💯% REAL 🚫No Catfish❗❗ - - 26
(Boston, Boston/Camb/Brook, Seaport boston nice private loc..)
⭐️💥💥❗️ ️SEDUCTIVE ✔️ Sweet✔️ Sexy ✔️ Brunette BOMBSHELL. ❗️💥💥⭐️ - 22
(Austin, Austin tx/south Austin)
ready to give u passion, ecstacy, and pleasure
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, In your arms ;))
MUST SEE!! long TONGUE super sexy HOT HOT 100% REAL gorGEOUS FACE! incaLLS!! - 24
🍌👅🍌 NEW PICS 🍌👅🍌👅BANANAS!! 💦💦💦Melissa TightWetNJuicy Kisses 💦💦💦 - 23
(Bronx, Bronxwood (Incalls ONLY))
LOOKS AND SKILLED Available Now Same Time Appointments only - 24
(Bronx, Westchester Ave Bruckner blvd)
Upscale Discreet Provider ***** 5 Star Hottness* Available Now !! - 21
(Bronx, bronx manhttan yonkers queens)
( U_P_S_C_A_L_E ) ** E_X_0_T_I_C ___ ** _L_A_T_I_N_A __S_ ** B_E_A_U_T_Y_ - 23
Sexy & FrEaKy Let Me Be Your FREAKin PlaYmATE WIT A $pecial - 26
(Bronx, bronx in /outcalls all nyc)
Sexy Caramel OR Henessy l ready for you!!!!!:))))) - 21
(Bronx, Eastgunhill near montefiore hospital)
💋💋sexy Bbw fluffy is back... and I aim to please💋💋💋out calls only - 25
(Bronx, Bronx area out calls only)
W O N ' T )♥( S T O P ) ( T I L L ) ♥( U )( G E T )♥( E N O U G H *** - 20
(Bronx, yonkers in out car 7187878148)
YELLOWBONE THICK ND READY to get NASTY 60$ phatt @$$ Nice tits Neww piXXs!!! - 21
welcome back SEXY YOUNG TEXAS GIRL in NYC again for the WEEKEND - 19
(Bronx, 149 grand concourse- condo INCALL ONLY)
💋SliM ReD BonE FreeK WiT ThE GrowN WomaN .......? Gimme a call💋(914) 356-9217 - 22
(Bronx, Huntspoint/Southern Blvd(InCalls only))
Sexy thick FREAK Body built like a VIDEO VIXen specials on deck ALL DAY..incalls ONLY! - 21
(Bronx, Near baychester ave INCALLS ONLY)
GFE > L {✰} {✰} K > ( PeTiTe BLONDE! ) BoY'S (60/15, 100/30, 160/60)* LaSt HoUrs - 20
(Philadelphia Airport Area 24hr incall)
puerto Rico jenifer - baby-ermosa linda preciosa caliente Ropa de marca perfume chanel el olor rico - 22
Sun 05 Jan
————————— ———————— █► §UP€R CoOL ReLaXaTioN ◀█ ——————— ————————— - 24
(San Fernando Valley, Btwn Saticoy St. & White Oak Ave.)
¥uMM¥ ¥uMM¥ °*((= ExTremeLy =)) °o★©° ((=ADDICTIVE=)) ★©CuTie WitH SMaCkABle BooTy! - 26
✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ ✈ THE ultimate DESTINATION is with ME!! - 21
(Palm Springs, What's convenient! or to me)
★★★★__Wonderfull____VERY ==== NICE_____N e*w Staff Asian massage______ - 29
(Palm Springs, Hwy62/Behind Kasa market&panda;)
SEXy Erotic SINful Mature Woman avalible For ALL Your Desire's and Fantasy's IN or OUT Call - 53
(Orange County, Huntington beach/outcall only)
Sexy✔️ Busty ✔️✔️ Indepndent 💯 Visiting For Coachella 🎉🎉 Party Girl - 28
(Palm Springs, Outcalls everywhere/ Ins Palm Desert)
☆☆☆☆ (¯`'•.¸. S E X I E S T ¸.•'´¯) I N T H E (¯`'•.¸C I T Y ¸.•'´¯)☆☆☆☆ - 23
(Palm Springs, Palm Canyon Dr.)
Palm Desert ---> Exotic ___ Latina / Italian ____ Bombshell ____ 34DD ____ IN and OUTCALLS - 24
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert in/Outcalls all Palm Springs)
Palm Desert Incall 2Night Only♥*♥*♥*♥ Sexy, Wild & Ready *♥* Very Well Reviewed ♥*♥*♥*♥ - 25
(Palm Springs, Incall- Palm Desert Outcall- All Over)
* * * ___ PLEASURE_____ AWAITS____ YOU!! * * * * INDEPENDENT provider :-) - 25
(Palm Springs, outcall/)
^^^ P _ L _ E _ A _ S _ U_ R _ A _ B _ L _ E __ > > AND > > __ P _ R _ E _ T _ T _ Y __ ^^^ ___ - 21
(in/out Call)
{❤} PaSSion & PLEaSuRe at its FINESt {❤} BuSTy {❤} OpEN-MinDeD {❤} Just ViSiTiNG*dON'T MISS oUt! {❤} - 22
(Palm Springs, Incall or Outcall)
New💋 Wonder Women 👇 Better Than Her 👉❤👈 ➷Her➷n➹Her➹ 👆believe it try me - 22
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert)
•☆• 💋💄 LOOKS •☆• 🎀💋💄🎀 GOOD •☆• 🎀💋💄🎀 FEELS •☆• 🎀💋💄🎀 EVEN •☆• 🎀💋💄🎀 BETTER 💄🎀 •☆• - 25
(Incall or Outcall to you!!, Palm Springs)
L {} {} K S ___ *B* _ *E* _ *T* _ *T* _ *E* _ *R* __ UP CLOSE & *P* *E* *R* *S* *O* *N* *A*L* - 18
(Palm Springs, In/Out Call)
Lilly Lockhart Highly reviewed companion & Sugar Baby Accepting select new appointments this month - 26
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs , La Quinta , Palm Desert)
LOOK === >>> { SEXY AsIaN/lATiNa } TREAT -:¦:- = w/ BoOTY = 100% REAL-:¦:- ViSiTiNG OnLy ! - 21
(Palm Springs)
Hot and ready to play, Let me rock your world!
(Inland Empire, Long Beach, Los Angeles, Orange County, Palm Springs, Palmdale, San Fernando Valley, San Gabriel Valley, Ventura, hotel room)
💞 INCALL OR OUTCALL 💞 ______________ _______________💋 REAL & SEXY BLONDE 💋 - 28
(Palm Springs, IN- OUT)
** HOT blonde BOMBSHELL waiting to PLEASE ** GREAT reviews !! ChRiStMaS sPeCiAlS - 24
(Palm Springs, Desert hot springs)
HOT ___________ sexy_________ NEW____________ Asian __________out call ______ - 28
(Palm Springs, Palm Springs, all desert cities)
💄GUYaNese💄 🍰✘ 💖WeLL ReViEwEd EBoNy Mix💖🔥🔥✔️$80 Spc✔️🔥🔥👔 EVeRy mAnS Fantasy 👔🏆👑Come ReWaRd UrSeLf👑 👑 - 21
(Palm Springs, Palm Desert/Rancho Mirage)